
Cuenta regresiva

AVATÂRA AYUSO is the 2019 artist in residence at the Teatro Del Lago, Chile, where she choreographed Cuenta Regresivaas part of Puedes Bailar Frutillar 2019. A piece that premiered on Saturday 14th September 2019. This work was created for 42 dancers.

14th September 2019

Avatâra Ayuso

Lighting and costume design

Claudia Yolin

Music by

Jon Hopkins, Folia Baroca, Uumen, Bomba Estéreo


Javier Moreno

Avatâra's assistant

Adrián Otárola

A Production by

Fernanda Garretón - Bárbara Artaza - Isidora Kuschel

A Production by

Teatro del Lago Chile

© Images by Teatro del lago

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