In Angel’s world the Bear is the fighter, the energy that will continue to fight for survival, even after sustaining serious wounds, that will listen to the signs of nature and be always ready to confront difficult times.
Angel uses the Bear to communicate a special message to you, whispering to your ear a secret with words of encouragement, for you to continue a mission Angel started.
With this moment of close intimacy, Angel wants you to know that you have the power to change things for the better, by trusting the power you hold in your heart
You are here because you can have more power than you think
The world is collapsing
There is only one thing that can save it
Kindness! Yes, kindness with a bit of bravery!
Now you know it
Let your world know
Contribute to Angel’s living cloud. What 3 words describe what you have experienced in this journey?
Discover more about the genesis of the project by director and choreographer Avatâra Ayuso